Common Gynecologic Problems and Procedures
A woman’s body passes through a lot of changes over the reproductive cycle in her life. So, it is very obvious to have some of the common gynecological health problems over time. Here are some of the potential problems you may face on your reproductive lifetime –
Yeast Infection
One of the most common causes behind vaginal irritation is a yeast infection. It affects at least 3 of 4 women at least once in a lifetime. Yeast cells are grown over and they usually stay in the vagina causing yeast infections. Some of the common factors related to yeast infections are uncontrolled diabetes, pregnancy and the use of antibiotics or oral contraceptives. Some of the other factors are topical antimicrobial agents, poorly ventilated, tight underwear and clothing, and perfumed hygiene sprays. Luckily there are several prescription or over-the-counter medications available to treat yeast infections.
Constant bleeding
On average, menstrual periods last up to five days and around 8 ounces of blood are lost. During their period, a lot of women suffer heavy bleeding with lighter flow days. For some women, heavier bleeding is very common. It bleeds up to two times the average amount of blood and it is still under normal range. Some women also have heavier bleeding for several days back to back, along with cramping and clot. If you are having heavy bleeding, cramping, or clots constantly at any time, it is recommended to consult with your physician. Your doctor may recommend prescription drugs for irregular bleeding. In case of severe bleeding, surgery is recommended.
Uterine Fibroids
These are basically the nodes of smooth tissue and muscles forming in the uterus walls. These are not likely to cause cancer but they can cause painful or excessive bleeding in menstruation, infertility and constant urination. Hysterectomy was the only cure earlier. Doctors have noticed that fibroids may not need intervention over OTC drugs for troublesome effects.
Women have a period when a menstrual cycle ends and endometrium or menstrual fluid is discharged from within the uterus. The endometrial tissue is also likely to grow on the outer part of the uterus and it can bleed and break apart during the period. The problem is when blood from displaced tissue out of the uterus may not go out and causes inflammation or swelling on the nearby tissue. It causes scar tissue and develops into growths or lesions. There are different treatment options available for this condition. For mild symptoms, pain medications are needed.